Living the Teachings of Sai Baba podcast

The Trishul of Faith, Surrender and Patience

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Om Sai Ram. With Baba's Blessings the most important book on Annasaheb Gawankars life is now available on Kindle as well as for pre order.

The book is expected to ship before the end of April. We humbly request you to help spread the message of this important book of this jewel devotee of Babas.

We have made this book available in sets of 10 books at cost price for devotees who would like to help distribute the books. So we whole heartedly encourage you to pre order them and help in Sri Sai Baba's Prachaar.

Sai Baba and Anna (Kindle Edition on Amazon)

Sai Baba and Anna (Print Edition Pre-order)

Heart to Heart - Gautam's Latest Book

We thank you for your continued support, trust and understanding. 
Om Sai Ram.

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