Metamodern Meaning podcast

61. Reality, Abstraction, Mysticism (w/ Matt Segall)

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Process thinker Matt Segall joins me again to continue our ongoing metaphysical exploration of a panmatheistic universe coming to self-knowledge. Here we discuss modern science's "blind spot" with regard to direct experience vs. scientific abstraction and the problem of "misplaced concreteness" before considering the proper understanding of the role of the human in the cosmos.

0:00 Introduction

2:02 "The Blind Spot": Mistaking Scientific Models for Reality

12:59 The Limits of Abstraction: From Idea to Feeling

34:18 Learning as Movement from Concrete to Abstract

46:00 Quantum Mechanics, Misplaced Concreteness, and Conceptual Prehension

58:16 The Will of the Universe to Wake Up: Towards Anthropos + Christ

1:11:03 Towards a 360° Platonism

1:20:50 Art, Incarnation, and the Face of God

1:33:09 Next Questions

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