Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution podcast

Lower Body Musculature | Described and Etymologized

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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution

1. **Gluteus Maximus**

   - **Scientific Term:** Gluteus maximus

   - **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "maximus" (largest)

   - **Function:** Main extensor of the hip joint; involved in hip abduction and external rotation.

2. **Gluteus Medius**

   - **Scientific Term:** Gluteus medius

   - **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "medius" (middle)

   - **Function:** Hip abduction and stabilization of the pelvis during walking.

3. **Gluteus Minimus**

   - **Scientific Term:** Gluteus minimus

   - **Etymology:** Latin "glūteus" (buttocks), "minimus" (smallest)

   - **Function:** Hip abduction and medial rotation of the thigh.

4. **Piriformis**

   - **Scientific Term:** Piriformis

   - **Etymology:** Latin "piriformis" (pear-shaped)

   - **Function:** Hip external rotation and abduction; helps stabilize the sacroiliac joint.

5. **Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)**

   - **Scientific Term:** Tensor fasciae latae

   - **Etymology:** Latin "tensor" (to stretch), "fasciae" (band), "latae" (wide)

   - **Function:** Hip abduction and medial rotation; stabilizes the hip and knee joints.

6. **Quadriceps Femoris Group**

   - **Scientific Term:** Quadriceps femoris

   - **Etymology:** Latin "quadriceps" (four-headed), "femoris" (of the thigh)

   - **Function:** Knee extension; helps in hip flexion and stabilization.

   - **Rectus Femoris**

     - **Function:** Extends the knee and flexes the hip.

   - **Vastus Lateralis**

     - **Function:** Extends the knee; stabilizes the patella.

   - **Vastus Medialis**

     - **Function:** Extends the knee; helps stabilize the patella.

   - **Vastus Intermedius**

     - **Function:** Extends the knee.

7. **Hamstring Group**

   - **Scientific Term:** Hamstrings

   - **Etymology:** Old English "ham" (back of the knee), "string" (muscle or tendon)

   - **Function:** Knee flexion and hip extension.

   - **Biceps Femoris**

     - **Function:** Flexes knee joint and laterally rotates leg.

   - **Semimembranosus**

     - **Function:** Flexes knee joint and medially rotates leg.

   - **Semitendinosus**

     - **Function:** Flexes knee joint and medially rotates leg.

8. **Adductor Group**

   - **Scientific Term:** Adductors

   - **Etymology:** Latin "adductor" (to bring towards)

   - **Function:** Hip adduction; stabilizes the hip joint.

   - **Adductor Magnus**

     - **Function:** Powerful hip adductor; assists in hip extension.

   - **Adductor Longus**

     - **Function:** Hip adduction; assists in hip flexion.

   - **Adductor Brevis**

     - **Function:** Hip adduction.

   - **Gracilis**

     - **Function:** Hip adduction and assists in knee flexion.

9. **Iliopsoas**

   - **Scientific Term:** Iliopsoas

   - **Etymology:** Greek "ilio-" (of the ilium), "psoas" (muscle of the loin)

   - **Function:** Hip flexion; stabilizes the trunk and spine.

   - **Iliacus**

     - **Function:** Assists in hip flexion and stabilization.

   - **Psoas Major**

     - **Function:** Flexes hip joint and stabilizes lumbar spine.

10. **Quadratus Lumborum**

    - **Scientific Term:** Quadratus lumborum

    - **Etymology:** Latin "quadratus" (square), "lumborum" (of the loins)

    - **Function:** Lateral flexion of the trunk; stabilizes the spine and pelvis.

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