living in fierce alignment podcast

E #403: how to be the icon of your business with a beginners mindset

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In this episode, Kehla dives deep into the common struggles faced by entrepreneurs who feel they haven't reached their full potential. She sees you - doing ALL THE THINGS. You've invested in yourself, obtained certifications, posted, emailed, started a podcast, and shown up relentlessly with your heart and soul because you can FEEL that you're meant for more.

Yet, you still find yourself asking, “Why isn’t this working?” or “What am I doing wrong?” Kehla explains that these questions, while seemingly productive, are actually a way of hunting for more problems, creating a disempowering context in your business.

Kehla discusses the critical mindset shift needed to overcome this: adopting a beginner's mindset that remains curious rather than complaining about the lack of validation or recognition. She emphasizes the importance of owning your story as THE ICON of your business, transforming disempowering contexts into powerful narratives that magnetize clients to your resilience rather than just your results.

Listening to this episode, you will learn how to continually embrace the entrepreneurial journey, growing a business without the heavy chains of feeling like a failure or a fraud because - you can't fail if you never quit. Kehla also talks about the importance of taking responsibility for your results (or lack thereof) and the dangers of hiding your truth to maintain a false sense of control.

Kehla highlights that hard work alone does not entitle you to the results you desire, a mindset rooted in societal and corporate thinking, not entrepreneurship. She shares insights into her fierce leadership work, guiding clients to scale their businesses through radical responsibility, strategy, and energetics.

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Your Edge, Amplified - Mini-mind

The Edge Mastermind ft. Signature Program by Design

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