Guitar and Bass Conversations podcast

Interview With Skinflint Bassist Kebonye Nkloso

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Kebonye Nkloso…

I am always fascinated to hear about music from other parts of our planet as much has yet to reach my ears. 

Hailing from Botswana, Skinflint has been rocking its kind of heavy metal since 2006 with Kebonye Nkloso as the bassist and a founding member. They were inspired by many of our time’s great heavy metal bands but chose to branch into specific music based on African spirituality and folklore. The result is unique and not quite like anything I have ever heard.

Join me as Kebonye shares his musical journey, how he gets his sound, details about their recent album “Baloi” and the band’s plans for the future.

Meet Kebonye Nkloso!

This interview first appeared in Bass Musician Magazine in November 2024

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