FluentFiction - Croatian podcast

Unexpected Holiday Memories: A Squirrel's Photobomb in Plitvice

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unexpected Holiday Memories: A Squirrel's Photobomb in Plitvice
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Snijeg je lagano padao dok su Ivana i Matija hodali kroz Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.
En: The snow was gently falling as Ivana and Matija walked through Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.

Hr: Svuda okolo bila je bijela zimska bajka.
En: All around them was a white winter wonderland.

Hr: Zamrznuti slapovi sjajili su pod suncem, a drveće je bilo prekriveno snježnim prahom.
En: Frozen waterfalls sparkled under the sun, and the trees were covered in a snowy dusting.

Hr: Ivana je bila uzbuđena.
En: Ivana was excited.

Hr: "Matija, ovdje bismo mogli imati savršenu božićnu fotografiju", rekla je, gledajući kroz kameru svog telefona.
En: "Matija, we could have the perfect Christmas photo here," she said, looking through the camera on her phone.

Hr: Voljela je planirati svaki detalj, a savršena fotografija bila je na vrhu njezine liste.
En: She loved planning every detail, and the perfect photo was at the top of her list.

Hr: Ali svaki put kad su se spremali fotografirati, nešto neobično se dogodilo.
En: But every time they were ready to take a picture, something unusual happened.

Hr: "Matija, spreman?
En: "Matija, ready?"

Hr: " upita Ivana.
En: Ivana asked.

Hr: Ali iznenada, mala, smeđa vjeverica skočila je pred kameru!
En: But suddenly, a small, brown squirrel jumped in front of the camera!

Hr: "Ah, vjeverica opet", uzdahnula je Ivana frustrirano.
En: "Ah, the squirrel again," sighed Ivana in frustration.

Hr: "Kako opet?
En: "How again?!"

Hr: " Matija se samo nasmijao.
En: Matija just laughed.

Hr: "Ona očito želi biti dio naše božićne čestitke", rekao je smijući se.
En: "She clearly wants to be part of our Christmas card," he said, laughing.

Hr: Dok su se pomicali s mjesta na mjesto, vjeverica ih je uporno slijedila.
En: As they moved from place to place, the squirrel persistently followed them.

Hr: Ivana nije htjela odustati.
En: Ivana didn't want to give up.

Hr: "Moramo pokušati ovdje, gdje su slapovi", rekla je, odlučna da uspije.
En: "We have to try here, where the waterfalls are," she said, determined to succeed.

Hr: Matija je nastavio uživati u situaciji, spontano predlažući: "Što ako jednostavno uključimo vjevericu u fotografiju?
En: Matija kept enjoying the situation, spontaneously suggesting, "What if we just include the squirrel in the photo?

Hr: Možda to bude zabavno!
En: Maybe it will be fun!"

Hr: " Na kraju, dok su stajali blizu veličanstvenog zamrznutog slapa, Ivana je napokon pronašla savršeno mjesto.
En: In the end, as they stood near the magnificent frozen waterfall, Ivana finally found the perfect spot.

Hr: "Sada, brzo Matija!
En: "Now, quickly Matija!"

Hr: ", pozvala je.
En: she called.

Hr: Baš u tom trenutku, vjeverica je skočila na Matijino rame.
En: Just at that moment, the squirrel jumped onto Matija's shoulder.

Hr: Ivana je pritisnula gumb kamere i uhvatila trenutak.
En: Ivana pressed the camera button and captured the moment.

Hr: Fotografija je bila smiješna i simpatična.
En: The photo was funny and cute.

Hr: Vjeverica je izgledala kao da pozira s njima, zadovoljna svojim malim nestašlukom.
En: The squirrel looked like it was posing with them, pleased with its little mischief.

Hr: Ivana i Matija smijali su se zajedno, osjećajući toplinu i sreću.
En: Ivana and Matija laughed together, feeling warmth and happiness.

Hr: "Znate što?
En: "You know what?"

Hr: " rekla je Ivana, promatrajući fotografiju.
En: Ivana said, looking at the photo.

Hr: "Ova je fotografija savršena upravo zato što nije savršena.
En: "This photo is perfect because it's not perfect.

Hr: To može biti naša najdraža uspomena.
En: This might be our favorite memory."

Hr: " Matija se složio, sretan što je uspio opustiti Ivanu i zajedno uživati u spontanosti trenutka.
En: Matija agreed, happy that he managed to help Ivana relax and enjoy the spontaneity of the moment together.

Hr: Tako je na kraju dana, u toj snježnoj bajci, Ivana naučila cijeniti iznenađenja, a Matija se osjećao bliže njoj nego ikad prije.
En: So at the end of the day, in that snowy wonderland, Ivana learned to appreciate surprises, and Matija felt closer to her than ever before.

Hr: Smijali su se i nastavili šetnju, uživajući u magiji Božića u Plitvicama, s vjevericom kao neobičnim, ali dražesnim pridružem u njihovoj priči.
En: They laughed and continued walking, enjoying the magic of Christmas at Plitvice, with the squirrel as an unusual but delightful companion in their story.

Vocabulary Words:
  • gently: lagano
  • frozen: zamrznuti
  • sparkled: sjajili
  • excitement: uzbuđenje
  • perfect: savršenu
  • unusual: neobično
  • frustration: frustrirano
  • squirrel: vjeverica
  • persistence: uporno
  • determined: odlučna
  • magnificent: veličanstvenog
  • captured: uhvatila
  • funny: smiješna
  • posing: pozirala
  • mischief: nestašlukom
  • appreciate: cijeniti
  • companion: pridružem
  • wonderland: bajka
  • covered: prekriveno
  • spontaneously: spontano
  • memory: uspomena
  • surprises: iznenađenja
  • snowy: snježni
  • waterfalls: slapovi
  • included: uključimo
  • laughed: smijali
  • determined: odlučna
  • posed: pozira
  • warmth: toplina
  • delightful: dražesnim

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