EO 360°: A podcast by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization podcast

25 Hour Work Week | Dr. Sabrina Starling

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Dr. Sabrina Starling is an author, entrepreneur, and psychologist. She is the founder of Tap the Potential, which works to “Free business owners from the constant demands of a growing business.” Dr. Starling believes that work supports life and not the other way around. Her books, The 4 Week Vacation and the How To Hire The Best series are all about improving your business while also retaining a healthy work-life balance. Listen in as she shares her thoughts and insights on improving your personal life as well as your business. 



Tap the Potential: https://tapthepotential.com/

Better Business, Better Life Assessment: https://tapthepotential.com/assessment/


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