Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan podcast

Brother Eats Brother's Eyeball After Allegedly Killing Him with Golf Club

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

The Hertgen family is wealthy and full of athletes. Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack take a look at the family dynamic that led to one brother allegedly murdering his younger brother, taking out his eyeball and possibly sitting down to a dinner of "brother's eyeball". Joe explains what takes place removing an eyeball and how investigators determine a golf club was used in the murder.







Transcript Highlights

00:00.03 Introduction 

02:55.32 Did Brother take eyeball out of brother

08:20.08 Cat is also dead

13:03.60 questions about crime scenes 

18:05.90 First documented murder

23:42.72 Cannibalism 

29:31.53 1500 story of incest and cannibalism

34:29.38 Golf club used as weapon

39:54.92 Removing an eyeball

44:03.91 Conclusion


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