Bears Beyond The Gate podcast

Ep 184 - Bears maul Tigers

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

We are back after a two week break and dive straight into a quick review of the tough European campaign. A great effort from the lads away at La Rochelle but ultimately we are sitting at the bottom of the table. We briefly discuss what this might mean for the ‘Andy Uren derby’ when Benetton come to town in January  and then swiftly move on to more pressing matters…

You know…

The rugby massacre at Welford Road.

We do our best to give justice to the record-breaking events that unfolded on Saturday with a smorgasbord of hyperbole and cliches but also a  strange lack of ‘phenomenals’ from Miles.

Unfortunately we left the cliche bell at home but feel free to make your own ‘dings’ as you work thought the episode!

We also read out some choice rugby poetry from our hard core listeners and then finish off with a review of the how the Bears Women have fared in the last couple of weeks now that the Ilona Maher carnival has parked up for Christmas.

The positive vibes running through all aspects of Bristol Bears are just incredible at the moment and we all need to keep surfing that wave.

Happy Christmas and hopefully see a lot of your at Gate on Friday!

Much love,

Pete, Miles and Lee.

Let us know what you think!

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