Personal Style and the Apprenticeship Model | Jeff Hein
Jeff has been titled a “living master” by the art Renewal Center, and has been written up in numerous publications, including “American Art collector”, “Fine Art Connoisseur”, “Arts and Antiques” and “Jetset Magazine”. His work has been shown in prestigious institutions such as the Utah Museum of Fine Art, The Springville Museum of Art and the Salmagundi Club in NY. He’s won numerous awards, and his work can be found in notable public and private collections. Jeff has served as a faculty artist for the Portrait Society of America, and he is the founder of the Hein Atelier of Traditional Art in Salt Lake City. We talk in-depth about the unique pedagogical structure of the Hein Atelier of Traditional Art in this episode and it’s absolutely fascinating. Support ART'S COOL with Ken GoshenFor more from Jeff Hein:Jeff's websiteJeff's InstagramHein Atelier of Traditional ArtFor more from Ken Goshen:Ken's websiteKen's InstagramKen's lessonsKen's PatreonKen's YouTubePigments on Jeff's palette: Radiant violet, Dioxazine purple, Cobalt violet, Alizarin permanent, Quinacridone magenta, Radiant red, Perylene red, Vermillion, Permanent orange, Transparent orange, Brown pink, Transparent oxide red, Transparent oxide yellow, Indian yellow, Transparent yellow medium, Cadmium yellow medium, Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium chartreuse, Green gold, Cadmium green, Oxide of chromium, Sap green, Radiant green, Emerald green, Serves green, Phthalo green, Cobalt teal, Radiant turquoise, Radiant blue, Kings blue, Manganese blue, Phthalo blue, Cobalt blue, Ultramarine blue, Asphaltum, Naples, yellow deep, Naples yellow light, Ivory black, Titanium white or lead white.Music by Adaam JamesSupport the show