A24 On The Rocks podcast

Our Top 12 Cult Classics, a Blind Ranking!

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

On this A24 vibe discussion, the A24 Rocks crew blind ranks the top 12 cult classics in film history. How does a blind ranking work? A random number generator will generate a number 1-12 and each podcaster will pick their favorite film at that position, then that number will be gone after it is picked. For example: maybe Kevin will pick The Boondock Saints (this isn't the actual pick) at number 12, that film and number will be off the board, then a random number generator might put Kelley at 6. Each podcaster picks their favorite cult classic at the position they're given, until a top 12 is chosen. And, each podcaster has a veto.

Intro- 0:00 to 2:34.

What is a blind ranking- 2:34 to 11:10.

Our Top 12 Cult Classics- 11:10 to 1:07:18.

Honorable Mentions and Outro- 1:07:18 to End.

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